Canada joins the Apostille ConventionAnnounced on May 16, Canada's accession to the Apostille Convention will streamline and ease the process for both individuals and...
Is your will valid in Alberta? Yang (Beth) Bai, Senior Counsel at Jade Sunrise Law In Alberta, Canada, as in many jurisdictions, a will can be challenged on several...
Our Office/我们的办公室 From November 16, 2020, we will be working at our new office location at 500 - 1110 Centre Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 2R2. The new...
HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR SUCCESS IN SPOUSAL SPONSORSHIP 配偶团聚移民申请和上诉:如何最大限度获取成功移民申请中属配偶团聚移民最让人心焦。新婚夫妻远隔天涯,期盼早日团聚在大洋彼岸开始新生活。但有些申请人因准备不当,满心期待等到的却是一封拒信,夫妻团聚遥遥无期,子女错过来加接受教育的宝贵机会,本来甜蜜的婚姻因此种压力也变得充满变数。最近我们成功代理了数单亲属团聚移民被拒后的上...
2 Year Ban on Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians in effect January 1st, 2023 禁止外国人买房Author: Richard Cao Student-at-Law On June 23, 2022, the Parliament of Canada passed the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential...